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Self- confidence Boosters.

For me, self-confidence is like a superpower, once you start to believe in yourself magic starts to happen and with it, you can conquer the world.
Katy Perry said "if you are presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything" and that's true because people who are confident tend to see the positive part of life, and when things aren't going well they are satisfied and don't jugde themselves. 

I know as kids we had all the confidence in the world, we had dreams like becoming a famous Musicians, Pilots, Actors or Actresses, Doctors, Ballerina  *for me a Princess*  etc and we believed in those dreams but I bet most of us don't even remember those dreams probably because we allowed issues of life and people's comments affect our confidence. That is why it is important not to allow people's opinions affect the way you feel about yourself, you should have it in mind that confidence is not  "they will like me" confidence is "I will be fine even if they don't"

You should understand that being confident is a personal choice, confidence, as well as other emotions, are feeling that we choose to either have or not (just the same way you choose to be happy) but once you have it, you will be able to achieve incredible things.

Choosing to be confident is the first step in gaining self-confidence but there are important things you'll have to do in order to achieve true self-confidence.

Accepting your weakness.

Most people spend too much time feeling ashamed of their weaknesses and work so hard to change it. They have this notion and believe life would be perfect without those weaknesses(flaws).  They constantly use the word "IF ONLY"(like if only I was tall enough,  if only I had flawless skin, if only my eyes were blue enough if only I had a sexy shape and my stomach was flat enough) knowingly or unknowingly, but do you know all those weakness and flaws you wish could just disappear are actually what makes you unique. They are your strength so instead of wishing and beating yourself about your flaws you should just accept them.

You need to stop worrying about imperfections and fully accept and love yourself exactly the way you are. Inspiring ways to do that, is to
*allow yourself to grieve the loss of not becoming exactly what you wanted
*identify your perceived flaws(weakness)
*imagining what your life will look like and all the amazing things you will do if your flaws(weakness) disappeared.
*do all those things you imagined and choose to live the life you want to live.
Once you accept yourself the way you are, the whole world will do too.

Out with all the negativity.

For you to be able to have confidence you definitely have to get rid of all the negative thoughts and even toxic people from your life. I usually tell people they shouldn't allow negativity to rent space in their mind, they should raise the rent and kick them out. 

Low self-confidence is often caused by the negative thoughts you allow to run through your mind on an endless track. 
It might sound crazy but an easy way to remove the negativity in your mind is to simply unfollow those people on your social media (like Instagram) that makes you feel insecure about yourself. Your mind will constantly make you believe you are not good enough and then the self-criticism kicks up, it's best to just ditch anything that makes you judge who you are.

You also need to stay away from life-sucking, energy-draining people that only know how to point out and talk about your supposed imperfection. Honestly guys, life is too short to spend with people who suck the happiness from you.

Stop comparing yourself with others.

Comparing your looks, wealth, possession, achievement skills to others can only kill the confidence you have, so it is important to focus on yourself, on your own goals and accomplishment. If you must compete, compete on yourself, and strive for self-improvement.

Have it in mind that when you constantly compare yourself to others you will never get to enjoy your life.

Final words from MimaSpark.
Everyone struggles with low self-confidence from time to time, some due to a traumatic event from the past, while others might just be a  mental health problem, but you need to know that you can choose to be confident no matter your personal experience, and believe me, guys, once you choose to be confident you will be amazed on what you can achieve in life.

For more facts on a healthy fun filled life please subscribe to MimaSpark.


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