Everything might feel a bit challenging in life especially when dealing with depression. Depression has a way of being an all-consuming monster on its own and it simply takes a toll on you physically and emotionally.
According to Wikipedia "depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity"
It can be an overwhelming feeling and with what is going on in the world with the COVID 19 pandemic honestly is not helping. Depression can make anyone feel frustrated about life.
Sometimes life can be depressing, we plan but life gives us most of the time the exact opposite *and that can be discouraging* and honestly, we can't do anything to change that fact but what we can do is to try our very best to accept that, focus and appreciate those little things that make life so amazing. You should realize that you can't always have a good day but you can face a bad day with a good attitude.
Here's the thing, there are a lot of things that might not be going as planned but there are still so many things that are, and you need to recognize and appreciate them. It might not be easy but just train your mind to see the good in every situation.
How to deal with depression?
People with depression have the tendency to convince themselves that feeling down or sad it's a normal part of life but it's not, depression is a very powerful emotion and can impact every part of your life if left untreated.
So wondering whether you have depression or not, here are some common signs of depression.
*Lost interest in doing the things you previously love.
*Feeling guilty about things that aren't your fault
*Feeling worthless or not good enough.
*Feeling sad, hopeless just generally unhappy.
*Difficulties making your own decision.
*Frequent suicide thought.
*Acting recklessly.
*Always feel exhausted.
There are other signs or symptoms of depression that are not on this list.
Depression can make everyday life difficult so the million-dollar question here is, what should I do to brighten up my life and enjoy every moment of it especially when it feels like life is picking on me? honestly, I might not be a complete expert in this subject but personally, I have discovered some simple life-changing habits that helped me cope with depression and I hope it helps you too.
Typically, having depression causes one to withdraw from the people around them but honestly, that can make you feel more alone and depressed. Having people in your life is an incredible feeling so when you feel down and depressed take a moment to acknowledge the people in your life (might be your parents, kids, spouse, friends or even a neighbor) that have made you happy at one point in your life, and just simply write their names down.
It might sound weird but writing down the names of those people gives a feeling that there are people that actually love and care about you and it's also an amazing way to appreciate the fact you are not alone.
You won't be able to force yourself to stop feeling depressed, you can however attempt to keep on doing the things you love.
For me watching movies especially the romantic comedy ones is super fun, it always gives me that feeling that everything will work out in the end.
When you are depressed you may not enjoy all the things you once did, so be patient with yourself and take your time to find one or two activities that can help you handle depression. All you need to do is to think of all the things you love doing when you are happy, then when you feel down try to do one of those activities.
It might sound simple or even funny but doing this can help you combat depression by making you smile and laugh.
Depression can put a negative spin on everything including how you see yourself (you might think you are not good enough or nothing good is happening in life) but those are just thoughts and not an accurate view of who you are and how your life is going so it's important you try to challenge those negative thoughts with positive thoughts and choose to be happy.
For me happiness is a personal choice, no one can truly make you completely happy so you'll have to choose to be happy because your happiness solely depends on you. So no matter what you are going through in life my advice for you is to always carry a smiley face a loving and cheerful heart because life is to short for you to live an unhappy and depressed life.
It's not an easy habit to adopt but you can start each day with this thought "A beautiful day begins with a beautiful mindset and the choice to be fully happy depends on me".
It can be so easy to get swept away in the fast lane and forget to stop and show appreciation for what you have because life if you don't know is full of amazing things that you really need to be grateful for. Your Life may not be exactly as you planned it to be but be grateful can really help you fight depression.
You can start small for instance maybe you down and don't feel like you can get out of bed, you can still be grateful for having a comfortable bed soft pillow and a warm blanket.
As you look for more and more things to be grateful in your life you'll be able to combat depression.
You know that amazing feeling you get when someone does something nice for you or show you a little love, it feels great because you get to feel valued and loved. But the honest truth is that feeling is always doubled when you do something nice for someone you love and care about and it helps to increase positive emotions and improve your mood.
*People that help others stop focusing on their own problems*.
If you are suffering from depression you can also seek help from professionals like a therapist because depression is a serious mental illness but the good thing is you can overcome it and live a healthy and happy life.
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