Have you ever gone through series of difficult and frustrating situations in life and you just wish you could just turn back time to give your younger self a piece of advice that will prevent the whole thing from ever happening? Well, that thought has crossed my mind.
What will you really do if you can travel back in time?
Maybe you would give your younger self some few tips on how to make money, dress properly, or even attract the opposite sex.
Well for me, if I can travel back in time and have only the chance to do one thing, I would just give myself a few words of advice because looking back to my younger years, I am really surprised at how my life has turned out. Not everything happened exactly the way I originally planned it but am grateful to have experienced some of the situations because it made me who I am as a person. I got myself involved in a lot of things I would have never thought of.
Nonetheless, I have summed up what I have learned some of these lessons helped in developing my new perspectives in life.
But if I could go back in time and hang out with my younger self for a day, here's what I will tell her.
It's OK to be unsure about what you wanna do in life.
You might be graduating and you might feel a bit lost and not sure where to go, It's okay just Go out there and try as many different things as you can. Don't ever feel like you're wasting your time. The process that you'll be going through will shape you into who you will be and you will definitely find your purpose in life. Enjoy the journey, don't rush every little path you have to go through will lead you somewhere. And looking back, you will be able to connect the dots. It will all make sense eventually.
Don't feel like you will never find the right person.
I know right now it feels like it's hard to make new friends but don't worry too much about it, just be yourself and be as open as you can.
The right person you are compatible with will find their way to you. They will instantly be attracted to you as much as you are attracted to them.
It might take a while until you find those people like new best friends or that special someone but you will and when you do, you will know it. So, just do your thing and always be yourself.
Always trust your instincts.
You need to always trust your instincts and stop worrying too much about a decision you have made. Do what you really believe would make you most happy. *You know what you want*. consulting other people is not bad but always trust the gut feeling deep inside you and just do what makes you happy. Always follow your heart always If something doesn't feel right or you have doubts about it, even just for a little bit, then it's probably not right.
Everything in life happens for a reason.
Everything in life happens for a reason and you need to understand that fact.
Without mistakes and failure, you would have never learned. Without breakups, you would have never met someone new. Without pain, you would have never grown.
Once you understand this like really understand this you will know that everything comes in to serve a purpose in your life. So don't dwell on disappointments, don't think life is unfair and don't view unfortunate events as regrets but rather, see them as opportunities in disguise because everything I'm life happens for a reason. And only time will tell.
Believe in your abilities.
When you believe in yourself, you've got nothing to lose but everything to gain. If you fail, you'll become smarter, If you succeed, you'll gain even more self-confidence. You'll never know the limit of how much you can achieve until you take a leap of faith in yourself and try. Just keep your focus right, Invest in yourself, and see life as a progressive journey and you'll most certainly always achieve anything you set your mind to.
So if you can turn back time, what advice will you give your younger self?
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Life is all bout learning.. lots to change from past and loads to be grateful for.