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5 Things to remember when handling a really bad day.

There are bad days and there are really really bad days and honestly, we can't really do anything to change that fact because that's life.

Life is full of the good days, bad days, overwhelming days, too tired day, and the really shitty days and the only thing one can actually do is to live through each day, but someday are really not that easy.

One has to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of their lives.

It is literally impossible to avoid a bad day everyone experiences a bad day from time to time, it's inevitable
Sometimes those days can seem like the end of the world, you might even feel like you don't have the strength to go through another second of that day and start questioning your very own existence, I get it those days can really drain every hint of happiness you have and the hard part is, it's still up to us to pull ourselves up and handle that very shitty day.

Handling a shitty day is not easy but there are things one needs to remember when going through a very bad day that can actually help.

Life is not perfect.
life is never going to turn out exactly the way we planned and always dwelling on that perfect assumption of what you think life should be is not healthy.

Personally, I see life as a beautiful journey with the perfect combo mix of the good and bad memories so one needs to realize that every day is not going to be amazing, and every day is not going to be shitty.

When you are going through a bad day just tell yourself every day may not be good but there is something good in every day and I'm going to focus on the good.

if you expect life to be perfect and to go exactly the way you planned you will only end up with a lot of disappointment so just live your life and love your life.

Without the bad days, you wouldn't appreciate the good days.
So you have a bad day *everybody does* but don't let it spiral you into a mindset of gloom because one good thing about those shitty days is that it makes one appreciate the good days.

Never regret a day in your life because the good days bring happiness, the bad days give experiences the worst days give lessons and the best days give memories.

Good things take time.*BE PATIENT*
Success and good things don't come overnight and all we can do is just to exercise a little more patience in life.
It's not easy to be patient but knows that anything worth doing requires time.

when frustration kicks in just remind yourself that what is meant to be will always come, always.

Bad days brings lessons
Worrying or even complaining of how terrible your life turned out is not a healthy way to live and it will prevent anyone from enjoying their lives.

I'm not saying that you should love the bad days just look at them as a way of life trying to teach you something

Learn from every struggle you face you will be surprised on how you will be able to handle that situation again if it arises in the future

Sometimes it's ok to CRY.
Johnny Depp said

People cry not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.

And sweetie, that's true.

Don’t be afraid of crying. It isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather, an acceptable way to let go of all your bad feelings. If you let those bad feelings build up without releasing them, you’ll have a much harder time dealing with them later.

Sometimes one just needs a long ugly cry to feel better, don't hold it because even the clouds rain too when it gets heavy.

Sometimes when you are going through a really f**king shitty day just breathe, tell yourself it's just a bad day and not a bad life and it's ok if all I did today was to survive this really f**king shitty day.

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  1. I just assure myself dat I'll see d end of dat day and a new day comes with better hope.


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