Disappointment is one thing I know that comes to us all, it's a very tricky emotion to deal with because every day can bring about new situations to be disappointed over,
sometimes, it can be small and annoying while other times it can be life-changing, and one way or the other we all have to deal with that sad, depressing, and discouraging emotion.
Disappointment is something we cannot really avoid in our life and the effect it has on people varies.
When I feel disappointed about a particular situation in life the questions that always pop in my head are;
Can one really get over the feeling of disappointment?
And what can one really learn from it?
People normally say "when you feel disappointed about a particular situation just shake off the all emotions and look at the bright side of life".
*they really know how to make it sound so easy but it's not*
Well I'm not really a complete expert in dealing with disappointment but personally, I had to teach myself some simple and fun ways to cope and even bounce back quickly from the disappointments that are a part of everyday life, and here are my simple steps.
Disappointment has a sneaky way of creeping into all aspects of one's life, so I discovered personally the moment I start getting the feeling of disappointment the urge to eat something different is always high and that's why it's my number one remedy to get over the emotion,
Don't get me wrong, I don't bury myself in food but when the feeling comes I just have this craving *dont know why* for something a little bit different from what I normally take, and if I dont have it at that moment I really dont mind going out to get it.
Having a fun movie time alone or with friends is my second most interesting remedy to get over that life-sucking emotion. Movies always have a way of making me feel good and relaxed.
I basically have movie genres for each emotion like when I'm disappointed I go for the comedy movies because after watching it there is always this sense of feeling that I shouldn't take everything in life serious and I shouldn't beat myself up on what happened just learn for it and move on.
Having a fresh dose of oxygen running through my lungs is yet another way I deal with disappointment, so what I normally do it takes a long stroll and try my very best to have a clear mind and just focus on my breathing.
I bet we all probably must have heard this before but it's true it's worked for me and it can work for anyone.
I really like this step because after it I tend to feel free. Having a person in your life that you can pour out your emotions to, that listen to you, and simply acts as a personal therapist is truly amazing.
Most times all they have to do is listen.
This is then my final and hardest step. Encouraging myself is never easy but it's something I just have to do. *Before getting to this stage I have to do my first four-step because this final stage is not easy for me*
I have this written down in my journal so anytime I feel disappointed I just pick it up and read it
*if you don't have it then it wasn't yours in the first place what is yours will always come ,so shake off the feeling and never give up*.
So now you have seen my fun and simple ways of coping with disappointment, what's yours?
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