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Showing posts from June, 2020

Feeling depressed lately? learn simple habits to fight depression

Everything might feel a bit challenging in life especially when dealing with depression. Depression has a way of being an all-consuming monster on its own and it simply takes a toll on you physically and emotionally . So what's depression? According to Wikipedia "depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity"  It can be an overwhelming feeling and with what is going on in the world with the COVID 19 pandemic honestly is not helping. Depression can make anyone feel frustrated about life.  Sometimes life can be depressing, we plan but life gives us most of the time the exact opposite * and that can be discouraging* and honestly, we can't do anything to change that fact but what we can do is to try our very best to accept that, focus and appreciate those little things that make life so amazing. You should realize that you can't always have a good day but you can face a bad day with a good attitude. Here's the thing, there are ...

Relationship mistakes every girl should avoid. *game changer*

Having that warm romantic and passionate attachment with someone special is an amazing feeling that I bet every girl secretly admires and wants to have, and of course, being in a relationship with someone  you love is truly incredible and amazing not because you have the most handsome guy to flaunt around your world (like your friends family and social media) but having that one special person you can completely be yourself around and depend on both during the good and bad times * for me, that's a relationship* Relationship is not a fairytale or storybook, * so don't believe everything you watch on television or read*,  it faces many challenges and in it, you get to learn new things about yourself, your partner and basically about life, and I guess we all know making a relationship last is not all that easy, especially for married folks because being in a relationship with someone doesn't always mean you get to see eye to eye or never have an argument it means d...

Self- confidence Boosters.

For me, self-confidence is like a superpower, once you start to believe in yourself magic starts to happen and with it, you can conquer the world. Katy Perry said "if you are presenting yourself with confidence, you can pull off pretty much anything" and that's true because people who are confident tend to see the positive part of life, and when things aren't going well they are satisfied and don't jugde themselves.  I know as kids we had all the confidence in the world, we had dreams like becoming a famous Musicians, Pilots, Actors or Actresses, Doctors, Ballerina  * for me a Princess*  etc  and we believed in those dreams but I bet most of us don't even remember those dreams probably because we allowed issues of life and people's comments affect our confidence. That is why it is important not to allow people's opinions affect the way you feel about yourself, you should have it in mind that confidence is not  "they will like me" confidence i...