Everything might feel a bit challenging in life especially when dealing with depression. Depression has a way of being an all-consuming monster on its own and it simply takes a toll on you physically and emotionally . So what's depression? According to Wikipedia "depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity" It can be an overwhelming feeling and with what is going on in the world with the COVID 19 pandemic honestly is not helping. Depression can make anyone feel frustrated about life. Sometimes life can be depressing, we plan but life gives us most of the time the exact opposite * and that can be discouraging* and honestly, we can't do anything to change that fact but what we can do is to try our very best to accept that, focus and appreciate those little things that make life so amazing. You should realize that you can't always have a good day but you can face a bad day with a good attitude. Here's the thing, there are ...
Love life. Live life.