Have you ever gone through series of difficult and frustrating situations in life and you just wish you could just turn back time to give your younger self a piece of advice that will prevent the whole thing from ever happening? Well, that thought has crossed my mind. What will you really do if you can travel back in time? Maybe you would give your younger self some few tips on how to make money, dress properly, or even attract the opposite sex. Well for me, if I can travel back in time and have only the chance to do one thing, I would just give myself a few words of advice because looking back to my younger years, I am really surprised at how my life has turned out. Not everything happened exactly the way I originally planned it but am grateful to have experienced some of the situations because it made me who I am as a person. I got myself involved in a lot of things I would have never thought of. Nonetheless, I have summed up what I have learned some of these lessons helped in deve...
Love life. Live life.